The Rotary Club of La Crosse After-Hours has been completing their Shark Tank project from the past Rotary year. Many members, along with parents and teachers of Northside Elementary School and members of Trinity Lutheran Church have come together to construct a large 'living classroom' that will assist in growing plants as students learn about botany and help families gain access to fresh and nutrient dense food.

Phillip Waselik (Club President for this Rotary year) and Bradley Burke both pitched this project during RAH's annual Shark Tank event. The team received the most votes in a very competitive event. Phil and Bradley shared that, "honestly, any pitch could have won and had a positive impact in the community." An award of $5000.00 came from RAH and they also received a matching grant from District 6250. The $10,000.00 went towards the purchase of the greenhouse. The club came together on March 23, again on April 6 for Club Build Days for construction, and will complete the project soon. The completion of this greenhouse will result in over 400 students and families each year having greater access to environmental, ecological, and sustainable gardening. Students will receive experiential cooking classes, will learn composting, will gain business and marketing skills through plant sales. In addition, students will receive opportunities for self-improvement and resiliency. Future programming between teachers, students between Northside Elementary and Logan High School, and La Crosse's Rotary After-Hours will nurture community and stronger relationships in an area of the city that is considered to be a food desert.
Phil shared that, "RAH looks forward to a continuing relationship with the students, teachers, and families through collaboration." A goal of the club and this program is to have boots on the ground through service, and this living classroom will impact the community for generations to come. The smiles on the children's faces, even the teachers, has made the hard work worthwhile. Bradley shared that, "The Greenhouse being built at the La Crosse North Side Elementary is such a great opportunity for the Rotary After-Hours of La Crosse. Our club was able to provide funds and labor to build this Greenhouse, again creating an outdoor classroom for generations to come. This living classroom will give children valuable hands-on learning experiences about the cultivation of the earth we all live on, which is one of the most important labors of humanity." RAH would like to thank all those that have come together to make this living classroom possible. The Rotary Club of La Crosse After-Hours is truly creating hope in the world.