Rotary After Hours members got to experience the Magic of Rotary through the Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) in La Crosse from the Philippines. Joe Hammes, Jenny Arihood-Hanabarger and Stefanie Kline all were hosts for the Filipinos for 5 days and we got to experience the magic of the La Crosse area through their eyes. Other local Rotarians that helped host were Mark and Sharon Jolivette, Nancy Schmidt, Kathi Millard and Bud Hammes. All local Rotarians had a busy week with the RFE guests and also enjoyed getting to know each other.

The exchange hosts took the guests on a La Crosse adventure! The RFE group got to go to Riverside Park, the Friendship Gardens, the Pearl, lots of local shopping and TJ Maxx, Grandads Bluff, Guadalupe Shrine, and St Rose Convent. A highlight was visiting the Rotary Mobile Clinic and getting to
talk about how it helps the Coulee Region. At the Downtown Rotary of La Crosse Oktoberfest meeting, each guest introduced themselves and exchanged flags with President Mark Jolivette. Oktoberfest festivities was a huge hit with the group as they got to go to the Torchlight Parade at night; the Tapping of the Golden Keg and the Maple Leaf Parade. Some guests also helped bartend the beer tent and learned quickly that Americans like their beers- especially Coors Light and Spotted Cow! The trip was jam packed but a rewarding experience for all who attended. A trip back to the Philippines is being planned in the coming years to visit our Rotarian friends from District 3850.

RFE is a great way to see the world and experience the culture and build friendships. The next upcoming RFE is to Sweeden in June 2025 and District 6250 is taking applications. For more information: Friendship Exchange | District 6250 (rotary6250.org)