Let me tell you a fishy story that started with diapers.
Question:  What do disposable diapers and the Wisconsin state fish have in common?
Answer: Two crazy Rotarians by the names of Al Louis and David Amborn. One is passionate about musky fishing; the other was passionate about meeting the needs of young children, especially newborns and infants. Both were members of the Rotary Club of La Crosse. Unfortunately, David died suddenly before he could see all the good that their crazy dream has produced. Al is still an active member.


Six years ago, and in response to a plea from a local non-profit parenting center for donations of diapers, these two Rotarians got together as Rotarians often do when confronted with a major need and Als Musky Challenge was born.  The premise was simple: contribute a lump sum or pay-by-the-fish, so to speak, with all proceeds being put towards the purchase of diapers.

Today, over $700,000 has been raised, $100,000 a year has been distributed to a variety of La Crosse County agencies that serve the needs of children, and because Al cant fish forever, an endowment was established 3 years ago so that support can continue to be provided to agencies serving children after Al’s strong arms can’t cast so well.  That endowment has a current asset balance of $350,000.


Al’s Musky Challenge has partnered this year with the Family and Childrens Center and the  Boys & Girls Club. Both reach out beyond La Crosse with work in neighboring communities, and this year’s challenge has the goal of not only expanding support and raising money for both agencies, but also to work towards funding the endowment up to $1 million.

Two years ago, Al, who has a summer home on Lake Vermilion in northern Minnesota where he does his fishing, caught over 50 muskellunge.  Last year he caught over 70, an unbelievable number for anyone who knows anything about fishing. His largest, 55” with a 24” girth, and the volume of fish enabled him to be ranked #5 by Muskies Inc.  The children are the benefactors of his incredible abilities.  

In honor of this incredible project, Al’s winter club at Lake Havasu, Arizona, has named him their “Rotarian of the Year”.  

If you wish to give to support to this grand venture for children, go online to send your gifts to Rotary Works Foundation in La Crosse, earmarked for this project.  And if you are in La Crosse, come by his award-winning store, Designing Jewelers, downtown on 4th Street.

Mark Jolivette