The Menominee Rotary Club submitted for and has received a District Membership Growth Grant of $485 towards an amazing opportunity where the club hosted an event called the ‘Africa Safari an Immersive Experience’ to boost their club’s membership!
As of March 31st, D-6250 is only down 10 members YTD with three months remaining. We have a great opportunity to break even and possibly even have a total net growth for the year!
Unfortunately, we have lost one club in the District this year, the Granton Rotary Club. Granton’s club president Omar S. Young reported that the village has seen closures or local business, a rapidly aging population and general lack of community involvement.
Finally, the Membership Olympics will take place in our next Rotary year, commencing most likely in November so that we have activity over the end of the current calendar year into 2025. This is in hopes that we can keep growth alive during the time in which we see the greatest loss of membership.
Yours in the Rotary Spirit,
Marc Augsburger
D-6250 AG and Membership Chair