The American Cancer Society opened the Hope Lodge in 2003, providing free lodging for cancer patients and their caregivers who were coming more than 40 miles to Marshfield for cancer treatments.  The organization closed the lodge in 2020 because of the pandemic and shortfalls in funding.
In 2023, the American Cancer Society gifted the Hope Lodge to the Marshfield Clinic Health System.  The facility has a new name, Cattails Place, and is fully funded by donations, operating with $250,000 annual budget.  Everything in the facility must be paid for by donations.  That is when a team of new Rotarians stepped up to the plate.
The new brainstormed how to use the New Member District Grant to help our community.  Assisting with the grand opening of the new Cattails Place was the greatest priority for the team.
With the generous gift of the District Grant came some work!!  The group's plan was to help get the kitchen organized.  A Rotarian and her daughter in-law cleaned all the guest rooms that sat vacant for years and made the beds.  Then other new members cleaned the kitchen.  All the dishes were washed and organized.  Cupboards and drawers were cleaned.
The group did not stop there, they organized a community drive for donations of food items to stock the cupboards.  (see photo)
Grant funds were used to purchase towels that were needed for the future guests of Cattails Cottage.  This project was a huge success as new members worked together to achieve their goals while serving the greater Marshfield community.  Cattails Place offers a home away from home for cancer patients.