District 6250 continues to have a strong and robust Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) program with several inbound exchanges currently visiting us.
RFE Philippines
Below is a full list of what is being planned for 2024-25. Contact David Clemens dclemens541@gmail.com; Mark Etrheim mark@mchlax.com or Edwin Bos edwin@bosdesignbuilders.comfor for more information on specific RFE's. As always, preference is given to District Rotarians who have never been on an RFE and we encourage "newbie" clubs to host an incoming RFE team for a few days and show off what your city has to offer. If you are a Club President please share this information with your club.
End September Incoming Philippines
Sept 26 - Oct 6 Incoming Brazil (contact Mark E)
Sept 27 - Oct 7 Incoming Croatia (contact Edwin B)
Nov 6 to 20, 2024 Out to New Zealand- Trip Full
May 15- 25, 2025 Out to Turkey (contact David C)
June 5 - 15th Out to Sweden (contact Mark E)
June 29 - July 9 Incoming New Zealand (contact Mark E if your club is interested in hosting)
Sept 2 – 12 Incoming Turkey (contact David C if your club is interested in hosting)
Sept 15 - 25 Out to Nova Scotia (contact David C)
Sept 19 - 29th Incoming Sweden (contact Mark E if your club is interested in hosting)
Unknown Incoming Nova Scotia (contact David C if your club is interested in hosting)
Important! Our District is looking for people with specific country interest who want to lead an RFE. If you are such a person, contact one of the men above and we can lead you through the (very simple) process of leading an RFE.
Ask Aaron Frank from Madison South Rotary! In January participating in an RFE, much less leading one, was not on his radar ... flash forward. In May he led a District 6250 RFE team to the Philippines and says he had an experience that totally exceeded his expectations. Last week Aaron coordinated the reciprocal Filipino RFE team visiting Madison and La Crosse. RFE never disappoints! 

RFE Croatia