If you are reading this article, chances are you have found yourself tasked with enhancing your club's public image. You may find yourself wanting to share the story of your club and showcase your service activities, but you aren’t sure by where to begin or which avenue to pursue. That's where we can help.

As members of the District Public Image committee, our goal is to support you in effectively sharing your club's unique story and service activities through various traditional (print and TV), social media platforms (FB/Insta and LinkedIn) and grassroots public relations strategies. There are currently four of us serving on the committee and we are looking for a few more members to join us. Our committee consists of the following Rotarians:
Public Image Committee:
Michelle Skemp (Chair) michellekskemp@gmail.com
Melissa Carlson (Member) melissa@melissacarlsoncreative.com
Marissa Dickinson (Member) marissadickinson@gmail.com
Lynn Perez-Hewitt (Past chair) perezhewitt@hceonline.com
Our goal is to ensure each club feels confident with sharing information about their club on various traditional and social media platforms. Listed below are a few valuable links that offer you buffet of choices to help you make a positive public image impact on various social media platforms. We’d be happy to help you learn how to use these valuable tools.
Helpful Sites:
Rotary International Brand Center: Create logos, find PSAs, post and other media materials
Canva: Create graphics, gifs, and other designs for social platforms
Media Kit Initiative: Register to receive monthly zip drives of helpful media collateral
Rotary Club Members: Public Image, Graphics & Ideas Hub: Great resource for graphics and ideas for posts on FB/Insta
Be on the lookout for an email from us in the near future. We are interested in learning about each of our clubs within the district and identifying the Public Image status and needs.
Let’s not keep the great work of your club a secret. Together, let's continue to amplify the impact of Rotary and showcase the positive difference all of us are making in our communities.
Michelle Skemp
Public Image Chair