Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change –
across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves

Click or tap play on the video above, or click 'read more' if you'd like to see the full transcript and get links to all of the goodies Ben shared in his message

November is Foundation Month!
Rotarians around the world are celebrating the impact of The Rotary Foundation in November. We celebrate by remembering the impact our support is having to eradicate polio, fund humanitarian community projects sponsored by clubs, and the ways in which our work helps create peace by alleviating need where it exists.
Rotarians also celebrate by renewing their commitment to support The Rotary Foundation. Rotarians are encouraged to Support the Annual Fund/SHARE program that generates funds for use as matching grants by our District and the Foundation’s Global Fund.
In District 6250, your support means that we are supporting 15 active global grants and 12 active district grants. Because of you, we still have $125,000 to match Global Grant projects and $60,000 to match District Grant projects this year.
This is Our Rotary Foundation because Rotarians contribute the funds and Rotarians determine how the funds are used. Make your commitment today and work with your club to identify projects that can put these funds to use. And don’t forget, Rotary Direct makes it easy to give without reminders.  
Thank you for supporting Our Rotary Foundation so generously!
Change Up Your Club’s Public Image efforts with AUDIO
By now you have probably heard the word “podcast”. Maybe you even listen to one or more. 
If you don’t feel ready to produce a regular podcast, you can relax. Few of us have the skills, yet. But…we can all start asking questions of our club members and recording what they say. A simple question like: How did you come to be a Rotarian? Or something with a bit more depth: What keeps you in Rotary?
Do you need a tape recorder? If you have one, feel free to use it. Or…use that smartphone in your hand, in your pocket, on your desk, next to your cup of coffee. The recordings can be emailed to whoever will keep track of them until the club decides how to use them and share them.
Many clubs have returned to in-person meetings. Adding regular brief recording sessions may add a fresh motivation for showing up in person. Try “The question of the week” Or create something all your own, then share your idea with your AG.
And remember to have fun. Making recordings may create lots of laughter, may stir memories for sharing, could even prompt brainstorming for something new.
Until next month, thank you for all you do.
Lynn Perez-Hewitt
District 6250 Public Image Chair
Polio Plus Update
The case of Polio that arose in New York is a reminder that our Rotary promise to children of the world to eradicate this devastating disease has not yet been fulfilled. While the New York case was brought from another country, it highlights the possibility that letting our guard down against this disease could have devastating consequences for countries that are currently polio free.
Your support for Polio Plus is a critical strategy to fulfill this promise. With the match from The Gates Foundation, your dollar is worth $3 for polio eradication.

Keep reading for more helpful info to help you achieve your Polio Giving Goals
Friendship Exchange – India 2023
Key Details:
  • District 6250 travel to 3170 … February 4 to 14, 2023.  District 3170 to 6250 … June 10-20, 2023.  There are visa requirements in both directions, but it can be done simply on line. 
  • Travel to Mumbai(Bombay), then inland to their district. We will move in their district to visit parts of Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka.
  • Maximum of 12 interested Rotarians, spouses and/or family members. Express your interest early!
  • Trip Leader 6250:  Rotarian David Clemens, who was an exchange student to Goa in 1971, and has traveled to this area five times. Please contact Dave Clemens, if interested, at, or text to 608-408-8941.
More info available here at our Friendship Exchange Page!
Polish Children’s Books Support Ukrainian Refugees
In September 20,000 copies of “Ola y Boris Go to School” were printed in Poland using Ukrainian Refugee Relief funds raised by the District 6250 Foundation, Inc. and several District 6250 Rotary Clubs.  The book was published pro-bono by the Heweliusza Institute and written pro-bono by the academic staff at two universities in Wroclaw, Poland. It is the second book in a series. 
As a token of their appreciation, Rotary Poland and Anna Jasinowska-Czarny, Project Manager for the Heweliusza Institute, have made English language versions of the books available to all our District 6250 Clubs. Hard copies have been delivered or mailed to all Club Presidents. Digital copies of both books are available for FREE download at the link and/or QR below. The message these books convey is universal. They would be an excellent read for any child you know.
Resources for International Service
International service projects improve life for the people served and create the humanitarian culture that we experience as Rotarians. This is true at every level of Rotary including your club and our District 6250.
District 6250 has many resources available to help your club achieve the international goals you have chosen. Those resources include mentoring, networking, and funding. Keep reading for a brief overview for reference while planning your next international service project.
Community Service Video Challenge
District Community Service Chair, Andy Bakkum, shares an exciting new opportunity to share your Community Service projects, tell some stories and be recognized for a job well done! Click on the image above to learn about District 6250 Community Service Video Challenge!
2022-2023 Membership Grants Now Open

2022-2023 District Membership Grants Now Open!

You’re invited to take the next step toward your club membership goals with the support of a District Membership Grant! District 6250 has allocated $10,000 in New Member Project and Membership Growth Grants for the 2022-2023 Rotary year. This support comes through two grant types. One that is for new Rotary club members to use towards a service project of their choice, helping them jumpstart their involvement with their clubs. The other is all about Membership Growth to help with membership retention, recruitment, starting a new club, promotion, etc. Get started today!
For more details on qualification and the application process, visit
Ben Bauer
District Governor
RI Convention – Melbourne, Australia!
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Rotary International Conference set for Melbourne, Australia - May 27-31, 2023. Melbourne, the sparkling second city of Australia, is a vibrant hub of art, sports, and cuisine. Rotary members, participants, and supporters from around the world are invited to Imagine What's Next and explore the possibilities for Rotary's future.

Save the date of January 21st for a great opportunity for any Rotarian to participate in our Vibrant Club Workshop. Check back here for registration to open soon!
Presidents Leadership Series – Session 2
Dec 21, 2022
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Governor Elect Training
Orlando, Florida
Jan 08, 2023 – Jan 12, 2023
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Rotary 6250 Headquarters
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: 608-204-9835
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