If you haven’t registered for TriCon 2025 yet, now is the time to do it while the conference and hotel discounts are available. Click here for an opportunity to grow, connect and get inspired!
This year, we have world-class speakers sharing their Rotary journey, offering insights on belonging and the value of connection, and inspirational stories of how to dig deeper in your Rotarian journey.
Our interactive workshops will inspire you to get involved in an international project, create change in your local community, protect your environment, and learn how you can become a peacemaker. Check your inbox (possibly in promotions) for weekly emails with news and updates on what’s happening at TriCon 2025!
We are members of Rotary International, the world’s largest service organization. Choose to invest in yourself and come and grow with us at TriCon2025. Don’t miss the savings, get registered today!
Early Bird ends on February 15th and Advanced Registration ends on March 15th
Register now at https://rotarytricon.org/events/tricon-2025/
Hotel block savings only last as long as rooms are available – please don’t delay!