Club Visioning is a volunteer-based initiative to assist a Rotary Club with planning for its future using a proven process delivered by the District’s Visioning facilitators in a team approach.
Results of Club Visioning include developing a consensus of goals for a multi-year Club Master Plan and training on creating Action Plans to implement the ideas. The benefits of Club Visioning are that Club members have a voice in the Club’s direction and that a planning framework is created to develop goals and Action Plans. The program was enhanced from that many District clubs participated in ten years ago to include action plans that engage club members. Additional program benefits and information can be found at: VISION Facilitation – Providing your Rotary Club leadership with tools to plan for success. (
To find out how your club can participate contact District Governor Todd Restel, your Assistant Governor, the District Office, or the District’s Club Visioning Coordinator, PDG Dean Ryerson (