Submit Your Story
Story Submission Guidelines
Story Structure
- Stories should be submitted in a word document
- If your story content includes images, charts, graphs, etc.: they can be embedded in the word document to reference preferred location, but MUST also be sent as separate attachments.
- All stories should follow the following structure
- Title Image
- When published, this is placed in the Story Brief
- Could also be used as a thumbnail for publishing on the website home page
- Story Brief - Captivating introduction or high level summary of the content
- Length: 1-3 sentences, 1 paragraph, 60-100 words
- Story Content - “The Rest of the Story”
- No limit on length
- Ideal location for additional photos, data, documents, links, etc.
- Title Image
- Note: It may be appropriate to include information about how to support a project or event with a request for donations, sponsorships, etc. That said, it should not be the primary message. Stories that are simply awareness of a club specific fundraising effort won't be published as is.
Supportive Images/Graphics
- Title Images - An interesting image that shows the essence of the story or gives the reader a visual idea of why they want to keep reading
- Thumbnail Images: Stories that will be featured in the home page stories, must have a thumbnail
- Thumbnail Image Dimensions: 600px x 335px
- Additional Images for Story Content:
- MUST be sent as separate attachments along with text content
- Preferred format: jpg or png
- Preferred size: no larger than 1920px wide
Ready to Submit Your Story?
- Proofread it one more time and be sure to attach everything to an email
- Email your files to Remember to attach the following:
- Word Doc
- Images
- Documents/other attachments
- For inclusion in the monthly District Dispatch, send your files by the last day of the previous month. Our goal is to get each edition out within the first two weeks of the month.
Thank you for your attention to detail and extra care to make our stories, website and District Dispatch shine with great stories and supportive information!
last revised 8/31/23