
In 1985 Rotarians made a promise to the children of the world. We promised them that we would eradicate polio from the face of the earth. On the day that we made that promise there were 125 countries on 5 continents that were polio endemic and during the year of 1985 more than 350,000 children—nearly 1,000 children every single day—were paralyzed by or died as the result of the polio virus.
Since 1985 Rotarians have raised more than $2.1 billion for this noble cause and with that money Rotarians have been able to provide polio vaccine to more than 3.5 billion children. Only two countries remain polio endemic—Pakistan and Afghanistan—and the World Health Organization estimates that there are now more than 19 million children who—today—are alive and healthy and running and playing with their friends but who would have been paralyzed by polio but for Rotary’s polio eradication program.
Help us to finish the job that we started in 1985 so that someday soon we can celebrate the fact that polio has been eradicated from the face of the earth and so that someday soon we can celebrate the fact that no child will ever again be paralyzed by polio.
Please consider joining the District 6250 Polio Plus Society! This is a new program to recognize your gifts and pledges to support Polio Plus at a minimum of $100 per year. If you can’t give that amount, your contribution is still important to eradicate polio around the world. For the rest of this year and all of next year your contribution will be matched twice by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
As a Rotarian and supporter of Polio Eradication, Rotary’s #1 priority, I wish to participate in this humanitarian endeavor as a member of the PolioPlus Society of Rotary District 6250. Therefore, I hereby commit to making an annual donation to the PolioPlus program at least $100 annually. Society members will receive a PolioPlus Society membership pin and Paul Harris credit.
How to Apply
Make your donation online and select the Polio Fund
Email completed form to:
Kathy Reinolt: reinoltk@gmail.com
D6250 Polio Plus Co-Chair
D6250 Polio Plus Co-Chair