Please refer to our District Leadership Plan (DLP) for more detailed information and role descriptions for any of these roles that aren't already described elsewhere.

District Governor Elect

Prepare to serve the District Governor in the next year through training sessions at the Zone Institute and International Assembly. Serve the District at the committee level as requested by the District Governor.

District Governor Nominee

Prepare to serve the District Governor in two years. Serve the District at the committee level as requested by the District Governor and the District Governor Elect.

District Secretary

Serve the District as recorder of minutes of District Advisory Meetings, and business meetings at District events. Work with Administrative Office and District Governor to gather club attendance records, and distribute for all District meetings.

District Treasurer

Serve the District to distribute dues notices to clubs, record receipts, allocate funds from the District Treasury as requested. Serve on the District Finance Committee to prepare upcoming year’s budget.

District Trainer

To organize district training events such as District Team Leadership Training, Presidents Elect Training and District Assembly.

District Administrative Office

Provides administrative support to the District through updating leadership and membership information, compiling and distributing district newsletter and club attendance records, managing registration for district events, managing district mailings and serving as a central location for district records and history.

District Committees

District Committees are designed to assist the District Governor in serving District Clubs.

District Advisory Committee

Serves under the guidance of the Governor to provide council regarding the administration and activities of the District and work of District committees. All Assistant Governors, District Committee chairs and officers, Past District Governors, District Governor Elect, and District Governor Nominees are invited to attend meeting 2-4 times per year.

District Governor Nominating Committee

Encourage submission of Applications for the position of future District Governor (DGNN) from District Clubs and Assistant Governors. Interview candidates and select the candidate in accordance with RI Bylaws and District 6250 Policy.

District Governor’s Planning Council

Serves at the discretion of the District Governor to provide guidance and council to current and future District Governors regarding responsibilities and activities in the district.

District Finance Committee

With the assistance of the District Treasurer, oversee the District Budget for the year. Prepares the budget for the forthcoming year, supported by a financial summary of budget compared to receipts and expenditures, a comparison with previous year and explanation of each line item. Also, recommend policies relating to financial management of District Funds. Formal committee meetings are held at least twice a year.

District International Service (ISC)

The ISC supports clubs with their international service projects and helps enhance the quality of the district’s humanitarian efforts by identifying resources and experts (primarily when District 6250 is the Host Sponsor) to advise on international service projects and global grants. Most importantly, the District 6250 ISC strives to increase the engagement of District Clubs, AG Groups and Individual Rotarians in Global Grants and international service projects in an effort to increase Membership, Foundation Giving, and the Public Image.

District Public Image Committee

Provide assistance with public relations efforts to District Clubs and District Conference Committee. Provide information regarding resources available in the District or through Rotary International. Develop appropriate public relations media for the District. Design content for the Monthly Newsletter.

District Website Committee

Develop a user-friendly District Website. Encourage participation of Clubs to keep information on the District Website as current as possible.

Rotary International Convention Committee

Promote attendance by Club Presidents-elect and District Rotarians at the Rotary International Convention and the Fifteen RI Regional Presidential Celebrations to all District Clubs.

District Rotary Friendship Exchange Coordinator

To coordinate person to person cultural exchanges with Rotary Districts around the world.

District Membership Development & Retention Committee

Provide Information to District Clubs to assist in recruitment of new members and retention of existing members. Answer questions regarding RI rules of membership. Provide assistance and information to existing District Clubs as they extend Rotary to New Clubs in the District.

District Rotary Foundation Coordination Committee

Assist the Governor in education and motivating Rotarians to participate in the Foundation programs and fundraising activities. Serve as liaison between The Rotary Foundation and Club Rotarians. The Subcommittees address the on-going functions of their respective committees.

Foundation Annual Fund Contributions Subcommittee

Educate and promote the voluntary contributions of Rotarians and Clubs, on a annual basis, to The Rotary Foundation.

Foundation Permanent Fund Contributions Subcommittee

Educate and Promote the voluntary contributions of Rotarians to the Permanent Fund through bequests, wills, trusts, and Insurance policy bequests.

Foundation Group Study Exchange (GSE) Subcommittee

Plan and coordinate the inbound and outbound District Group Study Exchange Teams with District 3490 Taiwan

Foundation World Peace Fellowships

Foundation Scholarship Subcommittee

Plan and implement all aspects of District’s Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships College Teacher Grants, and World Peace Center Scholarships.

Foundation Grants Subcommittee

Identify Approved projects from RI and coordinates District Clubs grant applications to The Rotary Foundation.  Review grant applications from District Clubs and award monies made available through District Designated Funds (DDF).

Foundation Alumni Subcommittee

Encourage continued involvement in Rotary activities of past Foundation Alumni and past participants in Rotary programs.

Foundation Polio Plus Subcommittee

Plan and coordinate Club Programs and Projects designed to reach their respective goals and accomplish the overall District Goal for 2003-2004 Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign.

RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Committee

RYLA is an award for “Youth Leadership”.  Which begins at the club level with the selection of the participants, and returns to the club level – after the participants have attended a district seminar, for the presentation of the awards.

District Youth Protection Committee

Ensures that youth protection policy for the district is consistent with Rotary International guidelines and there is a system to implement this policy across district programs serving youth.

District Youth Exchange Coordinating Committee

Interview, place and orientate all District 6250 students involved in the one-year Central State Rotary Youth Exchange Program.  Organize and plan all Youth Exchange activities.

Inbound Youth Exchange Coordinator

Outbound Youth Exchange Coordinator

Trainer/YEO Coordinator

Youth Exchange Rebound Coordinator

Youth Exchange Registrar

Short Term Youth Exchange Subcommittee

Interview. Place and orientate all District 6250 students involved in the short term Tri-District Rotary Youth Exchange Programs working with Districts 6220 and 6270.

District Interact/Rotaract Committee

Assist Clubs in the organization in Interact and Rotaract Clubs in District 6250. Provide assistance in the planning of activities for Interact and Rotaract Clubs.

Ad-hoc Committee on District Structure

Serves at the discretion of the District Governor to review and make recommendations regarding district incorporation, district leadership plan, and strategic direction of the district and its programs.

World Community Service

Coordinates and identifies international projects suitable for multiple club participation, promulgates, multi-club project guidelines, and assists clubs in organizing international projects. Committees have a specific emphasis.


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