Rotary International recently released some figures that back up the claim that Rotarians are “People of Action.” With more than 1.2 million members, Rotarians transformed communities on a worldwide basis by volunteering approximately 47 million hours last year. In addition to our time and talents, The Rotary Foundation was able to award $291 million for sustainable global service initiatives during the 2023-24 year. As a CPA, I believe that these impressive figures back up the claims that Rotarians work hard to make the world a better place. Beyond the quantitative numbers, I see evidence of our value and good deeds in every community that hosts a Rotary club.
Earlier this year, Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick referred to Rotarians as “Simply Irresistible.” I have personally witnessed dozens of “Simply Irresistible” Rotarians during my District Governor visits so far. Your work with and through Rotary is literally transforming communities and making our District a better place to live.
This month I have a simple ask for you. Please do something intentional in October as a “Person of Action” to further one of the many great causes of Rotary. Personally, I will be celebrating World Polio Day on October 24th at a Pickleball Tournament which is being organized by several of the clubs in the Greater La Crosse area. As you might imagine, there will be prizes and awards for the various competitive divisions. I am opting to attend the event as a spectator with plans to raise a pint to the eradication of Polio while cheering on my fellow Rotarians.
Finally, I want to be sure that three key dates are circled on your calendar.
There is no better time than the present to add a bit more VIBRANCY to your Rotary Club and no better way to accomplish this than by attending the District 6250’s Vibrant Club Workshop at the Cranberry Country Lodge in Tomah, Wisconsin!Read more...
On World Polio Day, October 24, I support Rotary's global efforts to eradicate polio. I attended a Strike Out Polio event that raised $1.3 million for PolioPlus and participated in the Más Millas Menos Polio bike ride, which raised over $100,000. Team End Polio raised awareness during the 2024 Paris Olympics, featuring athletes, some of whom are polio survivors. Despite recent challenges and the loss of Aidan O’Leary, WHO's polio eradication director, hope remains strong. Rotary continues to fight against polio, and we must honor Aidan’s legacy by teaming up for this cause. Everyone can contribute by donating, joining PolioPlus Society, or organizing fundraisers. Let's work together to end polio.
Milestone in cervical cancer prevention in Ghana: each of the 16 Regions now has at least one institution where women can have treatment of cervical precancer with ablation. Read more...
Celebrate World Polio Day! October 24, 2024
In 1985 Rotarians made a promise to the children of the world. We promised them that we would eradicate polio from the face of the earth. On the day that we made that promise there were 125 countries on 5 continents that were polio endemic and during the year of 1985 more than 350,000 children—nearly 1,000 children every single day—were paralyzed or died as a result of the polio virus. Read more...
Membership Report -October 2024
by: AG Marc Augsburger, Membership Chair
We have some great news for membership again this month! Our District membership remains strong at 2.267 members, remaining +1 members since the start of this Rotary year on July 1, 2024. Current new member leaders are Madison South with 6, followed by Janesville Morning and La Crescent with +4. Keep up the great work everyone. Read more...
Navigating Your Club’s Social Media
by: Michelle Skemp, Public Image Chair #District6250
If you are working with your club’s public image, congratulations, you have chosen a very important role! #PublicImageIsEverything because it weaves together membership, service projects and helps tell your club’s story to the broader community. It’s important for engaging current members, and attracting new! So…You’ve agreed to help, but what do you do now? Read on for some helpful tips! Read more...
Tis' the Season...
to Identify Potential Outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Students!
by: Bill Pritchard, Rotary Youth Exchange District Chair
On Saturday, October 26, the Rotary Youth Exchange Committee will be interviewing potential American Outbound Exchange Student Ambassadors. Do you know any potential Student Ambassadors who are good students (top half of class) and be between 16 and 18 1/2 years at approximately this time next year? If so, spread the word! This could be the start to a life-changing experience for them! Read more...
A Robust Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) Program
by: PDG Edwin Bos
District 6250 continues to have a strong and robust Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) program with several inbound exchanges currently visiting us. Read more...
Applications for RFE Turkey is now OPEN!
by: RFE Chair David Clemens
We are ready to accept applicants for RFE Turkey now! If you are interested in participating on a team, and are in good health and the time period of the exchange is acceptable to you, send your application form to the RFE Chair, or designated Committee member as soon as possible after the Call for Expression of Interest for a team has been issued. Read more...
by: Gov. Todd Restel
Rotary International has dozens of awards that our District is allowed to grant on an annual basis. These awards can recognize a club, an individual and even a non-Rotarian. I would love to give out the maximum number of awards in each of these categories. Read more...
by: Mark Jolivette
Why go to a Rotary International convention? Having had the joy of attending the last two, in Melbourne and in Singapore, I suggest that you consider traveling up to Calgary this June for no other reason than to get a much larger sense of what Rotary means to people around the world. Plus, until we go to Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN in 2029, this is the shortest distance you would have to travel to a convention. Read more...
Your Digital Life Needs a Digital Defense
by: Joe Ruskey/Lynn Hewitt-Perez
We clean our gutters; we put new filters in the furnace; we swap screens for storm windows, so let’s be just as safe and prepared with our home computers, laptops and tablets. Read more...
San Antonio’s Zone25b29 Institute and Conference – A Huge Success!
(A Compilation of Words from Zone Institute Attendees)
Rotarians from District 6250 attended the Zone25b29 Institute held in San Antonio, TX during the first week of September. These members were: DGE Michael Kloss, DGN Scott Ryan, Erin Luken (Foundation Chair), Marc Augsburger (Membership Chair), Michelle Skemp (Public Image Chair), Ben Bauer (a Zone presenter and Regional Public Image Coordinator) and Joe Ruskey (Zone Institute Executive Committee Chair). Read more...
Rotary Goes Downtown
by: AG Steve Nick
Eau Claire Rotary Club members spent part of Saturday, September 14 talking with visitors who stopped by the Rotary booth at the 35th Fall Festival hosted by DECI (Downtown Eau Claire Inc). The weather started off as "iffy," said President TJ, but turned itself around and crowds thronged the streets. The Rotary Club of Eau Claire was one of 160 vendors at the downtown event. Read more...