The Madison Breakfast Rotary Club utilized a District Membership Growth Grant to engage members in their project that will enrich the education and learning environments of hundreds of school children from pre-school into secondary school in Guatemala. Keep reading to see the rest of their project report.
Project Name:
Los Altos, Guatemala Schools Project
Briefly describe the objective of your project:
Our objective was to supply computers, books and school supplies to be personally brought to our partner Rotary Club, Rotario Los Altos in Guatemala on a visit by our club. Our partnership with this club began years ago with a collaboration with Engineers Without Borders to build a water system to pipe water to the villages. We have continued over the years with our most recent project being funding for portable libraries for the local schools. We have also shipped Spanish books, computers, desks, tables and other supplies via our Wisconsin Books for the World project. When our club decided to plan a group visit to visit the Los Altos club and the schools, the New Member Group decided that using our grant to fund additional computers and supples that could be brought as gifts would be a natural extension of our partnership.
How did the project meet your planned objectives?:
The project exceeded our planned objectives. With our $750 budget (which included our grant plus donations) we were able to provide 9 computers and a number of art supplies that were used by our group to do projects with the many school children at the 3 schools that we visited.
If possible, please quantify the impact of your project (number of people impacted, number of meals served, etc.):
We anticipate that our donations of computers and Spanish books will enrich the educations and learning environments of hundreds of school children from pre-school into secondary school. We met personally with over 200 children and their excitement was palpable as was their pride in their schools.