Introduced in 1965, pickleball has become the fastest growing sport in the United States. A short learning curve and an appeal to a large range of ages and abilities contribute to its wide appeal.

(October 2024 Pickleball for Polio event by the La Crosse Area.)
To commemorate World Polio Day on October 24, Kelly Dunn, Holmen Area Rotary Club, came up with the idea of doing a Pickleball for Polio event at The Blue Zone, a local indoor facility. Soon three other clubs came on board: Rotary After Hours, Rotary Club of La Crosse, and Onalaska Hilltoppers Rotary Club. These four clubs were the tournament sponsors, along with additional corporate and individual sponsors.
Open to the public, Pickleball for Polio charged $20 for players and $15 for non-players. The fee included player instructions, one free drink ticket, and donated snacks. Each club had a donation box and items for a silent auction to inspire friendly competition for the most extra funds contributed. (Rotary Club of La Crosse won the competition) The tournament attracted over 110 participants for a total of over $9000 raised for Polio Plus. Not bad for a brand new event. Plans are already underway for next Rotary year’s event.
While this was a Polio Plus fundraiser, the pickleball concept could be used for any Rotary club’s fundraising goals. If your club would like more information, contact Kelly Dunn, Holmen Area Rotary Club at kellydunn321@gmail.com.
Contributed by: Patricia Boge,
Rotary Club of La Crosse