So much hope, peace and joy sent your way as we enter this holiday season. As we close out the calendar year, I want to extend a big THANK YOU for all you are doing to create impact, extend our reach, engage members, and adapt in the process - from the Club Level to District Leadership. It has been such a treat to visit your clubs these past several months and take in all of the JOY our members are spreading. 6250 Rotarians are creating so much HOPE and our world is a better place because of our members.
Speaking of hope on the horizon, in the month of December, our Assistant Governors and Committee Chairs will be leading focus group discussions with club leaders to learn more about where they are excelling, the challenges they face and the support they need to create hope in our clubs, communities, and our world. Our District leaders will compile this data and then gather for District Team Training in February to set a vision and goals for the upcoming Rotary year. We hope to learn valuable information and insight to better serve our clubs and communities
Our work to support our clubs and members is ongoing and we are looking forward to setting a course for success.
Michelle McGrath, Ed. D
D6250 Governor
RY 2023-2024
ri President gordon R. Mcinally
As the midpoint of the Rotary year approaches, it is time to review the goals we have set and assess our progress. The Future Vision Plan, a new grant model for the Rotary Foundation, will be fully launched on July 1st, with the goal of doing the most good possible by focusing on Rotary's six areas of focus and implementing sustainable, high-impact projects. Future Vision requires an ambitious and sustainable approach that considers community members as partners in service. The ultimate example of a sustainable project is polio eradication, which will continue to benefit the world forever. Embracing Future Vision means embracing a more ambitious view of Rotary's service.
We have just about set the table for our 2024-2025 Inbound & Outbound Class. To date, we have seventeen (17) clubs that have committed and paid to host an Inbound Student (up from 13 this year). We have twelve (12) students that are in the process of completing their applications to become Rotary Outbound Ambassadors (up from 8 this year). This is fantastic!! Our world needs Rotary Youth Exchange… it needs the peace that uniquely comes from the understanding of other cultures and people. We welcome back clubs that host on an every-other-year, as well a 1st-time club to the mix – Deforest!! Special shout out and thanks to Kathy Williams and the good folks of De Forest for taking up the challenge! My thanks to all for the remarkable efforts!
For our current 2023-2024 inbound class... a number of our clubs are becoming quite concerned that they have not located a 2nd or 3rd host family. Our students normally move into their second host family in time to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays. If you are reading this and feel moved to want to help and make a difference... PLEASE reach out to your club Youth Exchange Officer (YEO). We need your help. If it is not you, perhaps it is a neighbor who you "know would be a great place for a student!" :-) Please help us continue this program within District 6250.
Happy Holidays to all - especially the fantastic hard working Youth Exchange teams in our Rotary Clubs. You are the best! - Thank you all for everything that you do!!
PDG Bill Pritchard
D6250 Youth Exchange-Chair
RY 2023-2024
2024 Grant Management Seminar: January 30, 2024
By: Erin Luken
A Rotary Grant Management Seminar is a training event organized by Rotary International for Rotarians involved in managing grants within the Rotary Foundation's grant programs. These seminars aim to educate and guide Rotary club and district leaders on the process of planning, applying for, implementing, and managing Rotary grants effectively.
During these seminars, participants typically learn about the different types of grants available through Rotary, the criteria for eligibility, the application process, financial management, reporting requirements, and best practices for successful grant implementation. The goal is to equip Rotarians with the knowledge and skills necessary to execute impactful projects and utilize Rotary Foundation funds efficiently for humanitarian and community service initiatives worldwide.
All clubs in District 6250 are encouraged to send at least one representative. Attendance is mandatory for any club that wishes to lead or sponsor District and/or Global Grants during Rotary year 2024-25.
This year's GMS will be conducted via Zoom on January 30, 2024, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Sign up on the district website in order to receive the Zoom link and class materials. Any club that cannot send a representative on January 30 is invited to complete the Grant Management Seminar module in The Learning Center on my.rotary and send the certificate of completion to District Foundation Chair Erin Luken.
Begin with Who. Our stories touch hearts and come alive live in the who. Who needed food; who learned to read books; who rode in the van; who played in the park; who sat on the bench.
Then add the What. Because our what is the focus of our service. The what is our response to people, people who need help.
Only together can these two ingredients reveal our Why. Why does Rotary persist, year after year, in clubs and countries around the world? Service above self, the very core of Rotary.
Please try this recipe in your club this holiday season. Begin with who we serve, then add what we do and why. Only then will people learn who Rotarians are. Only then will people care about what Rotarians do. Only then will our communities really see the power of Rotary all around them.
NAMI Wisconsin is our partner that will discuss mental health, stigma and discrimination in the workplace, and integrating mental wellness practices into work culture. They will also share resources available in the area and offer a webinar that will be recorded and available on their website. Mark you calendars. Read more..
A Brief Exchange with Rotary Club Uithuizen - Het Hoogeland in the Netherlands
We are excited to announce a special non-reciprocating "mini-exchange" with the Rotary Club Uithuizen – Het Hoogeland. This club is the proud organizer of the annual "To the Tulip Bulbs" fundraiser event, which includes hiking, biking, and touring. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday April 27, 2024. Furthermore, this club played a crucial role in the success of the La Crosse Mobile Clinic Global Grant as the lead international partner. Their participation helped to secure involvement from several Dutch clubs for the project. Read more...
Highlighting the 2023 Vibrant Club Workshop
By: Michael Kloss
Last November 4th, district 6250 hosted the 2023 Vibrant Club Workshop (VCW) at the Cranberry Country Lodge in Tomah. The event was a success, with 42 Rotarians coming together for a day of camaraderie, training, and celebration. We focused on the Rotary Action Plan and its four key priorities, utilizing Public Image, The Rotary Foundations, and Membership to drive everything collaboratively. Read more....