Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change –
across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves
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Once you’ve chosen a travel destination, what do you do next? Learn a bit of the language? Get a list of area highlights? Check out a map? Anticipate a warm welcome?
Our Rotary District will be hosting new member orientation throughout 2023. On every fifth Wednesday (March 29, May 31, August 30, November 29) at 7 a.m. or 7 p.m., new Rotarians – and Rotarians who feel new – can join others for an easy-going hour designed to give everyone a great start to a great Rotary experience. We will offer a warm Rotary welcome, Rotary language acquisition, Rotary highlights, and a Rotary map. This is not a series, it is a single opportunity, offered four days a year, at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. each of the four days.
Under the provisions of the Rotary Foundation’s program, club’s desiring to participate in the grant program must be certified. Part of that certification process is attendance at a Rotary Grant Management Seminar (GMS). District 6250 will offer three Grant Management Seminars:
Clubs need only have one representation at one of the two sessions however it is recommended that the club president-elect and foundation chair both attend the GMS meeting.
At the GMS you will learn:
How to successfully manage a Rotary Foundation grant.
Foundation stewardship expectations
How to prepare clubs to implement the memorandum of understanding
How to qualify your club to receive Rotary Foundation grant funds.
Everyday is an opportunity to share Rotary. By showing up in our communities to serve and volunteer each of us is sharing what Rotary means to us, what Rotary means in our communities.
Sharing and showing up can be as simple as wearing your pin even on days when you don’t have a meeting. Add the Rotary logo or your club’s logo to the signature block of your personal email. If you use social media, post a mention of a speaker you heard at a meeting, link to an article in the Rotary magazine, put a Rotary decal on your car, in the window at your office. These are just a few suggestions that cost you little and will spread awareness that Rotary is here in our communities.
When people see us, see Rotarians in action, the opportunity opens to extend an invitation to a meeting, to be a volunteer, and just maybe to become one of us.
Hosted by District Ethics Initiative Chair Bob Shumaker and event co-chair Mike Gotzler 180 students from 20 schools braved the arctic cold Friday morning, February 5th. Madison Rotary Club volunteers were as excited as the students to share and explore the R-O-T-A-R-Y framework for ethical decision-making.
The young leaders came from small schools, large schools, public schools, private schools, schools who have participated in the past and schools for which this was a new experience. The excitement, and not a small amount of anxiety filled the welcome sessions. High energy keynote group, the First Wave Touring Ensemble, vividly demonstrated realistic challenges and complexities facing all of our youngsters. The tone of the morning was set, the framework for decision-making explained. Participants streamed from the ballroom to their assigned breakout rooms. Students were deliberately scattered so they could meet and think with peers they didn’t know. Keep reading to hear how these leaders stretched their minds.
As Rotarians, we have a responsibility to ensure that when we interact with youth through our programs and activities, we are following Rotary's general guidelines. Some of you may be quite familiar with these, but as a reminder, please review the following information and reach out with any questions. We appreciate every Rotarian in our district and your commitment to ensuring that we are in compliance with any Rotary International policy that helps protect our Youth.
On the 21st of December our Club had its Christmas celebration. On this special occasion we wanted to honor fellow Rotarians who supported our Club`s help to refugees from the Ukraine and directly to the Ukrainian nation in their homeland. Therefore, we created a special statue "Dove of Peace" which is the representation of the Rotary motto "Service Above Self" and our motto for last year - "Service for Peace".
We think of your District as our true friend in the help that we offer to Ukrainians. We wanted to honor your District. In attachment I am sending you a photo of the statue and diploma. We plan to bring the statue with us on return Rotary Friendship Exchange to your District in June.
Isha Paudel (the Girl from Nepal) was a Rotary Youth exchange student in our District during the 2019-20 school year. She was “discovered” as a 14 year old by a group of 6250 Rotarians who visited Nepal as part of a Rotary Friendship Exchange in 2016. She currently attends UW-Platteville and this is her most recent update to the District 6250 Rotarians who help sponsor her education. Keep reading for a letter from Isha.
Rotary Friendship Exchange to Budapest Hungary April 9 to 19, 2023.
Initial Details:
We're probably staying in a central Hotel in Budapest, some homestays possible.
9 Rotary clubs in Budapest will be taking turns showing us the city and important historical Stories and locations. 10 maximum team members.
The cost will be Airfare, probably hotel, meals, and incidentals. We would coordinate the flights with the team members if possible, so if you are a bit nervous don’t be, the team will take care of you!
If you have not been on one of these they are an amazing experience of seeing the sights, experiencing local culture and making real Rotarian friends
Group Leader will be Mark Etrheim,, 608-769-7200. Any questions, please contact me directly.
Your very own Rotary District 6250 is known for having the most robust Rotary Friendship Exchange Program in North American … take advantage of these once in a lifetime opportunities!
Background: Currently, the Rotary Club of Beloit is the primary international sponsor on a large Rotary “Digital Literacy” Global Grant that is benefitting schools in various parts of Croatia. The relationships Beloit has established over the past 3 years has led to this Rotary Friendship Exchange opportunity. Members of the Rotary Club of Beloit were given first “dibs” on this exchange, however, there are several spots remaining.
What: Rotary Friendship Exchange with Rotary Clubs and Rotarians in Croatia. Stay with local Rotarians, city and business tours, local food and drink, Rotary meetings and plenty of time for fellowship and discussion. Prepare to be surprised by the activities and tours organized for you. Return leg will bring Croatian Rotarians to Wisconsin in 2024. See also: Rotary International Website RFE Information and District 6250 Friendship Exchange Page
When: District 6250 travel to District 1913 in Croatia will be from September 7-18, 2023. District 1913 travel to 6250 is TBD in 2024. No visa requirements in either direction, just a passport. Keep reading for a more detailed itinerary and to learn how to sign up!
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Rotary International Conference set for Melbourne, Australia - May 27-31, 2023. Melbourne, the sparkling second city of Australia, is a vibrant hub of art, sports, and cuisine. Rotary members, participants, and supporters from around the world are invited to Imagine What's Next and explore the possibilities for Rotary's future.