Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change –
across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves

Click or tap play on the video above, or click 'read more' if you'd like to see the full transcript and get links to all of the goodies Ben shared in his message

Website Updates Coming Soon

The website is receiving a bit of a facelift so be on the lookout for some reorganized pages and navigation. All of this is being done in an effort to enhance the user experience of the website, make information easier to find and to keep this great source of information and resources beautiful and organized for everyone that uses it. If a page you visit frequently seems to be missing, it may have just been relocated in the navigation. A great way to find what you're looking for is to use the search function at the top of the site. We're hopeful that the time spent enhancing the site will make it an even better tool to help support clubs and members here in District 6250. Check back often for updates!

2022-2023 District 6250 New Member Project Grant Recipients!
Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022-2023 District 6250 New Member Project Grant! Some surplus in our membership development budget has created a great opportunity to support more clubs! In addition to the 5, $1,000 grants, we're awarding 4 additional $500 grants.
  • Lake Mills Rotary ($1,000)
  • La Crosse ($1,000)
  • Mayville ($1,000)
  • La Crosse Valley View ($1,000)
  • DeForest ($1,000)
  • Waunakee ($500)
  • La Crosse After Hours ($500)
  • Marshfield ($500)
  • Chippewa Falls ($500)
Clubs must have obtained four new members who have maintained their membership in the club for at least four months during the 2022-2023 Rotary year. Priority of the awards went to the clubs that have the highest percentage of net positive member growth for the Rotary Year as of May 31st. These new club members will use these funds to support a service project of their choice, helping them jumpstart their involvement with their clubs. Engaging new members early helps improve member satisfaction and retention. Congratulations again to all of our membership grant recipients this year.
What does P.E.S.O have to do with Public Image?
Public Image PESO
What does P.E.S.O have to do with Public Image?
P.E.S.O is an acronym for four avenues for your club’s messages and stories.
P is for PAID. Paying to place your message is advertising, and advertising isn’t free.
E is for EARNED. When you earn placement of your message or story you have gained the attention of a media outlet, through a press release, an email, a call. You earned it.
S is for SHARED. We share our messages and stories through social media. Whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, Facebook, Pinterest, or any of the latest and greatest technologies springing up.
O is for OWNED. The most common owned channel is your website. Some clubs also produce a bulletin or send a formatted email. Owning also implies it is an internal distribution channel.
P. E. and S. are all external platforms to share messages and stories. O is the only internal channel. And yes, you may forward a bulletin, email or link which means this avenue offers another means to reach an external group.
Why is this useful? When you are aware of these four avenues you and your club can be more strategic and more effective building and maintaining your public image.
Be a Host in 2024-2025
Start watching your inboxes for Inbound Commitment letters for the 2024-2025 Rotary Year. We had 16 clubs commit to hosting a foreign exchange student for the 2023-2024 year. Let's help District Governor Elect Michelle McGrath by raising that number by one or two. Support is available to new clubs that are interested or clubs who wish to re-engage with Rotary Youth Exchange. Reach out to RYE Chair BIll Pritchard at for more details. Youth Exchange promotes Peace through Understanding...doesn't that feel like an important thing in our world today?
Transforming the Public Image of Rotary in La Crosse
We all respond to images, especially images that move and have sound.  The skills to assemble the images and craft a story are on display in this video about the Rotary Mobile Medical clinic out of La Crosse. As you will learn when you click on the link It’s an extraordinary tale of collaboration, cooperation, and what happens when our best selves devise solutions.
End Polio Now
Be a part of the final push to eradicate Polio. For polio eradication efforts, 2022 brought good news. Fewer genetic strains of the virus are circulating than ever before. Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only two countries where polio remains endemic. And support from political, medical, and community leaders in those areas has strengthened vaccination efforts during the past year. Global support for polio eradication also reached new heights, as was proven at the World Health Summit in October, when Rotary and international partners and donors pledged a combined US$2.6 billion to eradicate the disease. Here's a few ways you can get involved:
  1. Join the District 6250 Polio Plus Society
  2. Learn about how efforts in 2022 paid off in a big way
  3. Make your donation online at and select the Polio Fund
Keep reading for more info and ways you can help.

Club Leadership Roster Updates

We are at the time of the year where Rotary International and your District are requesting that clubs update and enter next year officers for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year. Club Leaders, please make these important updates in ClubRunner (if you are a ClubRunner Club) and/or in Rotary Club Central (by logging in to My Rotary). Some helpful links:
Serving on a District committee or team gives an opportunity to learn more about Rotary, and provides a growth opportunity to you and your club. We're always looking for people to help support our clubs. Here are a few key open roles:
  • District Membership Committee Chair

  • District Youth Service Chair

  • Midwest PETS District 6250 At Large Representative

To see more opportunities for District service, click here.
Check out our latest updates by following us on social media. Check out pictures from our latest events, send us questions and join the conversation!
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To view our privacy policy, click here.
Rotary 6250 Headquarters
4075 Vilas Road
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
Phone: 608-204-9835
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