RY 2024-2025                                                                                          Issue #01
In photo: Governor Todd receiving a certificate of completion after the Governor-Elect Training Seminar (GETS)
One of my favorite habits is sitting down to read the Rotary  Magazine delivered to my home each month by the USPS (to be read as “Yes, I actually still enjoy the tactile feeling of the Rotary Magazine instead of the electronic version.”)  However, just so you don’t think that I am too old school, I also love reading the electronic version our District 6250’s monthly Dispatch as well as my own Rotary Club of La Crosse’s weekly Coulee Report.  I never get tired of reading, seeing and hearing stories about “People of Action” and “Service Above Self.”  In my mind, I am able to connect these stories to the many fellow Rotarians that I have come to know as I enter my sixteenth year of being a Rotarian and to those Rotarians to whom I might not personally know but still inspire me.
Over the next twelve months, I plan to share Rotary. As you think about our Rotary District 6250, we are blessed to have dozens of leaders and teams who are diligently working to be sure that our District is supporting you and your club.  For those of you who are newer to Rotary and don’t necessarily understand the District’s role, here is how I think of Rotary at the club and District levels.  Your club exists to serve its members, while the District exists to serve its clubs.  Stated in plain English, the club is there to serve you. The District exists to serve its clubs. With 52 Rotary Clubs in our District, it takes a hard working group of Rotarians to fulfill the District’s responsibilities, many of which are required by Rotary International.  If serving clubs in our District piques your interest, please reach out directly to me or one of the leaders listed on our website (www.rotary6250.org).
One of my goals this year is to highlight our clubs and our closely related Rotary organizations which exist beyond our clubs’ four walls, including TriCon https://www.rotarywglconf.org, Midwest PETS https://www.midwestpets.org, and Zone 29  https://zones25b-29.org, etc.  Each of these Rotary groups strengthen our District and our clubs.
Another goal is to provide support for our clubs to grow in membership.  I encourage our current members to reach out and recruit new members.  I frequently describe inviting someone to join Rotary as the greatest gift a person could ever give to someone about whom they may respect, love, care for or simply for a stranger in whom they see potential.
Our incoming Rotary International President is Stephanie Urchick. Stephanie is a member of the Rotary Club of McMurray, Pennsylvania. During her year, she is prioritizing Peacebuilding as one of her top priorities. During my club visits, I will be following Stephanie’s lead by sharing my personal story and weaving in two of Rotary’s Areas of Focus:  
1- Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution and
2 - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
In closing, I am honored to have this opportunity to work side by side with my fellow District 6250 Rotarians both this year and beyond.  As you contemplate this year about what Rotary means to you, please make time to share Rotary with someone.  
    D6250 Governor
    RY 2024-2025



In the past year, there has been a global effort to support mental health needs, with Rotary actively involved. Young Rotarians and Rotaractors, like Freddie Almazan, have shared inspiring stories. Rotary clubs in Colorado endowed a pediatric mental health fellowship, and individuals like Bindi Rajasegaran in Malaysia are recognized for their mental health initiatives. Rita Aggarwal implemented the Wellness in a Box framework in Nagpur, India. The Rotary Action Group on Mental Health Initiatives will continue to lead in promoting impactful projects.

Explore the Increase Your Impact series on the Learning Center for more information.

Read his full message HERE



The District Governor Journey
by: Lyn Perez-Hewitt
July 1, 2021 did you know what you would be doing three years in the future?  Maybe not.  Todd Restel knew.  He knew because July 1st three years ago he took his first steps on the District Governor path that would lead him step by step through DGND*, DGN**, DGE*** and now…DG. Read more...
New Media Kits Initiative Provide Social Content at Your Fingertips
by: Michelle K. Skemp
If your club has ever struggled to keep your website and social media platforms updated with fresh content, worry no more! Thanks to the innovative efforts of District Governor Todd Restel and the other newly appointed district governors from zones 25 and 29, the Media Kits Initiative has been launched to provide clubs with user-friendly materials conveniently packed in a zip drive. Read more...
District to Serve Clubs Through Club Visioning
by: PDG Dean Ryerson
Club Visioning is a volunteer-based initiative to assist a Rotary Club with planning for its future using a proven process delivered by the District’s Visioning facilitators in a team approach.  Results of Club Visioning include developing a consensus of goals for a multi-year Club Master Plan and training on creating Action Plans to implement the ideas.  Read more...
Past President Working with New Members to Increase Engagement
The Holmen Area Rotary Club, Past President, Kathy Reinolt, facilitated a new member project that resulted in "Teacher of the Month" award and recognition.  The new member group came up with the idea, developed criteria, nomination forms (both print and online versions), and created special tote bags, mugs, tumblers to give to the winning teacher. Read more...
Sharing Hope in the World
Attending the Singapore Rotary International Convention May 25-28, 2024
by: Stefanie Kline, President, Rotary After Hours

Have you ever been to a Rotary International Convention? I have and it was a truly uplifting, enlightening and magical experience. This is my abbreviated version of my Rotary diary.

Dear Rotary Diary,

Day 1: Arrival in Singapore and the RI Opening Ceremonies

I arrive at the most amazing airport I have ever seen and get checked in at the Aloft Singapore, a high rise in the center of the bustling city.

This is my first solo trip and I set out to explore the city with. To read every enticing detail, check this link...
La Crosse After Hours President Stefanie Kline in the middle
Editor’s Note: This “DID YOU KNOW???” article is designed to help you discover and learn about the rich Rotary International life that happens outside of our individual clubs’ walls.  Read more...
We are pleased to announce new hosting opportunities under the Open World Program during the 2025 calendar/hosting year, which will mark the twenty-sixth anniversary of Rotary’s participation in the program. Read more...
Madison South Celebrates its 51st Brat Stand Season
By: Steve Busalacchi

Madison South Rotary has run a volunteer brat stand for 50 years, raising over $1 million for nonprofits and scholarships. They also support Polio Plus vaccines. The stand operates during UW football games with no labor costs, offering camaraderie and vital community support. The volunteers help students in need and foster a sense of belonging in the community. The "Brat Czar" leads the operation, ensuring its success for over five decades. Read the full story here...

Wings over PDC
Jul 13, 2024
Mississippi River Adventure Day 2024
St. Feriole Island
Aug 05, 2024
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
2024 Rotary Brat & Burger
Aug 05, 2024 5:30 PM
BOD Meeting
Aug 14, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
2nd Annual Music in the Mills Festival
Seljan Company
Aug 17, 2024
9:30 AM - 9:30 PM
View entire list
Upcoming Club Events
Sun Prairie Rotary Golf Outing
Aug 01, 2024
10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Sun Prairie
Apple Blossom Bike Tour 2024
Aug 10, 2024
7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
La Crescent
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